Monday, May 14, 2012

bottle water !!

Myth " bottled water is safer than tap water" is not a myth. Accrding to the author that tap water quality was proved  safte by EPA,FDA, and CCR. Those group of peple are examined all  local water annually.
However, they do not test every where. They migh choose one of the cleanest  place in town on order to pass the regulation. or  thet test randomly. Meanwhile, the bottle water is made only one circumstance, factory, which means that the factory water has low chance to contaiminated by other sources, such as local farm or water poulltion. Becuse of  that I feel the bottle water is  more safer than tap water. Few years ago, there were a small town. Since,the factory farm has builted, most of new born babies had opimpedimentes. One of them the worst  case was the boy was changing to women. His body was not only growing breast also other sex part too.  People figured out that  it cused by factory farm. They were using all the toxic watses, which was contained  hormen pills and anti biotic pills, dumed into the local water for saving thier money.  In order to one company makes  money, all the twon people are suffering entire thier lifetime.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

#13 catw rewrite with tutor

The  New york times wrote as atricle called " mom, dad, buy the broccoli."  The article talks about chlidren are living a health lifstlye. In order that, the coucil of betterbusiness bueaus they are working on healthier foods and lifestlyes for younger children.They reduce the protion of foods or to limit  using cartoon or miovie charaters on it.

 I agress with the council of better business buerus planning for younger children to eat healthy. Not eating healthy food can cause diabetes, obesity and other adult diseases. I could understand why the coucil of better busuness bureaus are trying to make a change. When I was in high school, I could easily buy bag of chips, soft drinks and ice creams in school. Most of healthy foods were hard to find, and it cost a lot more than these junk foods. Becuse of that I was over weight and had high blood pressure. Beside those junk foods in school, all the advertigment is that were should things that I should not eat.

 It is not easy for children to eat healthy foods. As you know that the health foods are much expensive than junk food. Those healthy foods are fessh foods or home made foods.   Many parents dose not have time to prepare the fresh food for their family, so that they prefer buying the junk foods. In order that, kids are used to eat those junk foods thatn fresh healthy foods. However, my parets kept distance from those kunk foods for thire children, so  that I hah had since ten years old. After that they both were working and I ate the Mcdonald's.  I ganied so much weigh in a only two months at age ten.

 Many comcpanies make unhealthy foods that children could not say no to, such as Mcdonald's, Kellogs, Cadbury, Kraft foods end so on. All those companies are unising  such  attractive things that children could not avoid. they are using a cartoon or movie charaters or toies.  For inctance, Mcdonald's are specificly using the happy meals series that many children  collect those toies.

As a result, the children's food  and beverge advertisy intiative and other groups of people are making such a good decition for younger children's health. It is important  to learn how to live a hearlier life style. This is all the adult respeosble to keep our ildren being healthier and  living  healthier.
(born 1962, Kumba, Cameroon), In his photographic series “African Spirits,” an exhibit held from October 2008 to April 2009 at Jean Marc Patras / Galerie, Paris, Cameroonian photographer Samuel Fosso presented what appeared to be portraits of black leaders, politicians, and cultural icons, ranging from former South African president Nelson Mandela to American boxer Muhammad Ali to American activist and academic Angela Davis. In fact, these 14 images were “autoportraits,” as Fosso transformed himself into other people and characters drawn from popular culture and politics. Although his work incited comparisons to traditional African studio photographers (such as Seydou Keïta of Mali) and Western photographers who utilized self-portraiture (such as American Cindy Sherman), Fosso operated in relative isolation in his studio in Bangui, C.A.R. Yet by 2009 Fosso’s work was regularly featured in solo and group exhibitions around the world, including the 2008 edition of the “Festival des rencontres de la photographique d’Arles” in France.
Fosso lived in Nigeria as a child, but in the early 1970s the Biafran war forced his family to flee to Bangui, where he ultimately settled after the war destroyed their Nigerian home. He discovered photography in his early teens while working as a shoemaker, and by 1975, after a brief apprenticeship with a local photographer, he had opened his own studio. He lived and worked at the studio, creating portraits of the local residents by using studio lights fashioned from pots and backgrounds made from traditional African fabrics or hand painted by friends. At the day’s end he would often step in front of the camera to finish a roll of film. While Fosso used these images to communicate his well-being to his grandmother in Nigeria, the staged self-portraits also became agents of transformation and expression for the young artist, who was acutely aware of shifting cultural and political climates. In many of his early images, Fosso borrowed elements from popular culture that he admired, even having local tailors replicate outfits worn by celebrities. In 1993 these images were discovered by French photographer Bernard Deschamps, who was looking for photographers to be included in the first edition of “Rencontres de la photographie africaine” in Bamako, Mali. That 1994 exhibition launched Fosso’s career as an artist, and he later went on to win the Afrique en Création award in 1995 and the prestigious Prince Claus Award in 2001.
Fosso evolved and expanded the scope of his autoportraits, using these constructed images to critically narrate and reference cultural and political events. In the Tati series, commissioned by the Parisian department store Tati in 1997, Fosso depicted himself as characters ranging from an African chief draped in gold jewelry and leopard skins to a glamorous African American woman. Regardless of his international success, Fosso continued to live and operate his photography studio in Bangui, where the local community remained largely unaware of his achievements as an artist.

Monday, April 30, 2012

#12 the meatrix

In the film, every day what I eat was came from factory frames. Many people do not know about the meaning of the factory farm which means, all the live stocks as chicken, pork, or beef are raised by unhealthy condition. Those places usually tiny space that live stocks are impossibly move and are feed mostly only corn, antibiotic pills and hormone pills. The meat markets are growing so fast that suppliers could not waiting for growing naturally, so they are using the all the comical to provide to force to grow. Then, all customers are obtaining same as the live stocks ate. Because of that many people suffer the diseases like mad cows or avian influenza virus. The bottom line is both of people and live stocks are suffering because of human greedy. As the result, come back to human.

The virus circle starts from the live stock’s food, and following to local water. Then, local people drink that virus water. Many children are affected faster than adults, because immune system does not develop as strong as adult. For instance, there are small town that the entire new born baby have problem with the physical obstacle since factory farm was built. Not only have the baby effects also adult had the problems of hormones. There are boy who having the breast because of the hormone effects.The town people figured out the water was contaminated by the farm waste, and then it goes to house tap water. People drink the tap water not only the baby having obstacles, but also destroying water pollution.

That virus water was contained to the local people, not only that those live stock was supplied to all the meat markets. Most of meat buyers do not know where those meats came from or how to growth.
Those factory farm meats are never walk and never eat fresh food even those live stocks eat the hormone pills. In fact that those hormone pills dose not remove or never wash out of the livestock body. Therefore, people who eat that meat are suffering the same symptom as the side fests of the hormones pills or the antibiotic pills. For example, one of the extreme disease the mad cow, people have same symptoms as the mad cows. In Korea, many people could not eat the chicken for two years because of the avian influenza virus. Those virus was effected even it cooked, and people found that most of chicken was from factory farm.

Moreover, the purpose of the factory farm is the mega companies. Most of the factory farm supply to the meat markets which are McDonalds, KFC, or bugerking and so on. Since that those companied foods are one of major reasons of obesity all over the world. The cursed of the obesity could be more than these factory farm meats, but this is serious problem. It leads to all the other diseas. For example,  there are a town  where dose not have fastfood restrauts or thefactory farm meants. The town people never have cancer or obesity, and they are living a  healty long life. Unlike that, the industry twon people are having problems as cancer or obesity. 

As a results, the factory farmeffects not only pollutions also serious helth problems, but all the result effects to human. We creat the problems becuse of that we suffer. However, we should know that we
are also able to fix the problems. In oder to avoid the all the problems, we should know or buy about
the meat or diary products. People should check the list of the discription  of the produts and
looking for organic foods. we have the right to eat healty and live longer.

#11 summury blog

In short cartoon was showing the factory farming the reveling the facts about the factory farming cooperation.  The live stocks raise the tiny cage and feeding them the hormone to grow fast. Then, the livestock suffer in the unhealthy condition and it leads to mad cows disease and the other disease.

 Also, dairy products, milk cheese are also raising same as factory farming.  The factory farming supply all over the states meats market, so they forcing to grown the livestock.  The factories workers work unsafely conditions for make the companies orders.   

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

thank for tutor!!

working with tutor was really helpful !!
he helped how I need to built to pragragh cooperatly, and what I need to add up for storng essay.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#8 the Marix

Claim…. people are thirsty about the truth, but who knows which one is really truth.

Reason…  in the matrix, the blue pill leads to the real world, but who can tell  that is real world.


Questioning of the real world why do you want to know the truth is human nature. People are naturally to reveal the unknown facts even if the facts effect to unpleasant to people. Since human found the fire, people have tried to find the real world or the truth of the truth. Then, people creative the whole different world compare that the moment when they are living. In the matrix was shown the real world when Neo took the red pill. The real world was dark, sad, and hopeless. However, the Alice’s adventures in wonderland turn to the world that unreal, bright, and fun. According to the two different stories, I thought there are no such as the real world. People could not define the truth or real truth, and those stories or theories are just fantasy.

 First of all, dreaming is another world for your conscious in which the dream reflexes your imagination or something in the past. I could not say the dream showing the future or means something special. In the movie, Neo took the red pill, so he awaked the real world that human were raised for the energy sources and the resource were dreaming in the matrix world. Whenever Neo went to real world and the matrix world, he woke up at the sleep as on the desk, bed, to the unplugged. He was dreaming at both worlds, so it was not clear that which one was real world.

Next, people could not prove to exist another world. There are no scientific facts or evidence that existence of the other world. People make up the interesting stories and escape from where people involved world. Also, some people were manipulated to show their dignity or special. Many people announce the theory of the world, but none of them gave the rational evidence.  In Egypt, people believed that after you died your spirit and your body would meet only if you were not guilty from the present.  The God of death was only able to judge which was Pharaoh, so that the pharaoh were able to rule the people as GOD. However, there was no evidence of afterlife world.

Last, no one is able to define what or where real world exists. There is millions of conspiracy a theories state there are other world exist. However, people could not find any evidence to prove that theories. Also, some people address from their imagination, dream, or fear, so that people also sympathy as them.  For example, there are many ghost houses that people visits, but no one see or hear the ghost. Some people are shown the many pictures, films, or radio to prove the ghost, but most of them are fake or unclear. There are no sign that such a ghost.

 In short, many people want to discover another world because they want to escape from crucial reality. Therefore, they creative the theories there are real world where you have never seen. However, those are unproved and unclear fake stories. Therefore, people should know that there are  no such the new world that you could escape from the your world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

#7 CATW test rewrite.

Many people are crazy about the reality shows, such as American Idol or Fear factors. Those TV shows have been running successfully among them others. In the article,______ Sexton has pointed out the dangerous message from the reality shows.In this article, the author pointed out the most of reality TV shows are  contain the most
 He said the major point are those program has too competition, ideal images, and false dream.
 I noticed I was also into the reality unintentionally. I think this should be a wakeup call to all parents. Because of the dangerous messages that I have read is already appeared to my children.

First, the reality TV is shown the materialism, which is hues amount to winner prize. In the show, attenders do whatever it takes to win the game, cheating, beating, lying, and killing. The Audience or observer, even my kids think that they could get those money, if they do smae as the TV shows. One day, one of my son said he got all ‘A’ grade from the school. Before the test I promised him to buy new iPhone, only if he got good grade. However, his counselor called me and my son manipulated his test score.

The other reality TV shows the only value of the appearance than the value of true ability. All those TV shows produces all the visual images, so it effects stronger than other media. After watching the show, it start issue that how they looks or what they wearing.  Few days ago, there are person who got plastic surgeries more than seven times have got issued, because she said she wants to become a singer. She hasn’t tried any effort for singing, yet she spent most of time on the surgery table. However, because of her pretty face, she is singer who is never singing for live.  Even the worst part is my kid loves her and they start to imitate her style. All the media show her pretty face and the perfect body, so people are not really care about her singing.

The most dangerous message of the reality TV show is false dream, which means if you done something that it might issue you could be a millionaires. Few years ago, the jack ass first part movie was running even make second part and it made a lot of money. This movie was inspired from the TV show and YouTube that people did something really stupid things. However, children are addicted those kind movies and they said it looks cool. Also, they figure out how easily make a money to just have fun. So many kids think studying is worthless.  For example, one kid tried to make his own video as the TV show; he imitated what he had watched. He ended up broken his back born never walk.

In short, most of reality shows are very amusing and fantasied because it replaces normal people life with the show. However, that kind of show has disadvantages; the materialism, false values and false ideal image of dream.  Therefore, whoever makes the show and parents have to aware that your kid are watching the shows.

Monday, March 26, 2012

#6 blog truman show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Self -determination: Truman struggles between what his society (and his "god," Cristoff) tells him to do and be, and what he feels he wants to do and who he wants to be. Consider your own life (or the life of someone you know well): Have you ever disobeyed society’s rules because you were trying to follow your own instincts? What made you want to disobey the rules? What did you expect to gain from your disobedience? Did the consequences to your disobedience confirm that you made the right choice? Again, you may use someone other than yourself for this option.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#5 I know the truht essay

In China the Confucius said real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Even though People know about the false truth, people are hard to admit their false. According to the article, the research was shown that the two colocations. People are easily manipulated by rumors which were never proved. Even though the fact was proved as the false truth, people are not easily to change their mind. I strongly believe that Garret’s result of the research for three reasons. Frist, we are living in full of information as the Net world, and people just follow whatever the majority people believe. The last, as the author said it is hard to admit that I have been fools.

First of all, we are living in the Internet world which means we are living in the massive information like facts, story, and theories. However, I would not say all the information is the truth.  Some of the facts are written unproven or it just written hypotheses as the confirm facts.
For example, couple of years ago, one of Korean scientist was fudged to the world. He was published  in the Internet conference  the unsuccessful human individual cloning as the successful facts.  Whole world was excited about the first    succeed of human cloning, but he was just one big fraud to world.

  Most people follow that the majority people believe. Most time it is truth that many people agree or believe the fact is truth. However, the problem is that those people are not usually confirming the fact.  People said many others said the fact is true, but you never know who others are. They could be fraud or cheater. For example, I enjoy the internet shopping and read the response from other buyers. They graded of the items or stories. One day, the one company was caught thousand dollars frauds, they hired the twenty people  to manipulate  the grade system.



Monday, March 19, 2012

#4 blog ; trunan syndrome

     In the film " truman show" was published one person's life as a TV show. All the people knew that Truman had been watched, but the story ended up he escape to the real world. However, many people really concern that their life is been watched by someone. Those people usually send to hospital or mental clinic name as paranoid delusions, but who can be sure they are not tell the truth. I believe that we need to evaluated our facts or theories because  there are some facts or things that we believe as truth could be not real or need to examine.
R1  some of facts are based on unproved sources like insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes or rumors.
R2  the facts could  be  manipulate by someone.

#4 Blog

1) Significant Idea

People are easily manipulated by lies, rumors or false truth.

2) Claim

How or what make it people flip their believe.

3) Reasons

The study was shown that two conclusions that insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes are strongly effect people’s belief system and only few people realize that they have been dupe.

4) Combined

What make it people flip their beliefs. The study was shown that two conclusion ns that insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes are strongly effect people’s belief system and only few people realize that they have been dupe.


In China the Confucius said real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Even though

People know about the false truth, people are hard to admit their false. According to the article, the research was shown that the two colocations. People are easily manipulated by rumors which were never proved. Even though the fact was proved as the false truth, people are not easily to change their

Mind. Therefore, I think

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

#3 blog ;the cave summary

in the conversation of Sorate said about the cave prisnors represented people who having the percention of the real world. Even thoug those people reralized the truth of the real world they could not easilt change thier own concept. people called dilema, once people belive what they think is real they hard to admitt the new idea or theory. Socrate assisted that people were living in the cave and they were minuplated of the false truth. According to his theory  i am just came out of the cave and adjust my eyes to the sun.

Monday, March 12, 2012

#blog 3 : I knoe the truth, so don't bother me with Facts.

In the article, “I know the truth, so don’t bother me with facts” Jeffery Kluger presented an interesting study by R.kelly Garrett and Erick Nesbit at Ohio state University, that  even though the  truth which is people believe in  turns out  the false beliefs, those believers are hard to admit their false truth. The bottom line of the research came out two  that  it is easy to manipulate people’s belief with impacts images or inflammatory quotes, and even in the best of circumstances, fewer  than third of people were willing to reverse their positions, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given. As a result , people  figure out theirs truth turns out wrong or false people would get mental panic or paradox in their  believe system.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

blod2 :hype

In this article” Hype” Kalle Lasn said most of advertisements are placed too many and it distract to people every day.  Also, she expressed it effects same as mental pollution. It caused  by the flood of advertisements that we are exposed three thousand ads message, 12 billion display, 3 million radio ads  per day. Also, she said “there is  no  where run” means we hardly see the place  without the advertisements.  According to the author, it is true most of ads are distract and contains unnecessary information.  However, there are some  advertisements provide some valuable information so that I think ads are no so bad as much as the author pointed out ,and the  advertisement performs as Art.  There are two reasons why I thought   the ads is good.

 If you were running your own business, the ads would be the best way to let all the people know about your business. The advertisements are not only informed about your products but also give the faith of your products. This is one of the most important facts that the advertisements are intended to improve the company’s image so that it gives you motivation. Even if you have a great product than any others, people would not buy without any information. For instance, my mother opened new store, and she had stared without any advertisements for three months. The result was really bad she barely had a benefit. Then, she decided to start the advertisements, local newspaper, and the Internet website. Since the ads are running to public, many people have interested her products even many large companies wanted to contract with her. I strongly felt that how the ads powerfully effects the business.

In addition, I felt that the ads are the art of fifteen second. According to the article, most of media has been used with advertisements. Among them I really wanted pointed out the TV commercial.  Those commercial are running only fifteen second which consists of the product, products’ image, logo, information.  All of them are very important to impact to people. Some stupid of ads are distract to people, but I would say others are created with incredible idea that it inspired. For example, one of my art class was studied the Nike TV advertisements. Those are the greatest TV commercial because of how they impact to watcher in a ten second.  Those commercial was out of box without showing the product or explanation it came out the logo.  After running the media people was  getting interested about the vialed products.

the last, some of the ads are actully inform to people. It  impacts such a short pirod  of time to grab of people's attntion so that it really great effects to let people know some things people should know about.  For incetance, many years ago, in Korea, only fewer people know about
the Bibimbab which is Korean tradional food. One person has published the advertisement of  bibimbab. It posted  in the newyork times and some local tv ads, and it works. many forigne people notice  the bibimbab even many hollowd stars love it.

in short, many people compain about the over advertisments are led to mental pollttion and waste so far. However, ther are copule of things that I think  the ads are really good advantages.
the ads are helped to run  the bussiniess  easy, and some of the ads are really inform to people . 
More over, I think couple of ads are really brillent to insprie to poeple. Therfore, I  do not think the ads ar